Fellowship Program for International Visiting Ophthalmologists
Facts about the Eye Clinic Sulzbach
In the recent years we developed into one of the largest and fastest growing eye clinics in Germany with 24,000 operations per year in 7 new, state-of-the-art operating theatres. It is renowned far beyond national borders. Each year, 37 specialized practitioners and a dedicated team of nursing staff treat 50,000 outpatients and 6,200 inpatients. Among the medical staff there are renowned experts, operating in 18 special consultations and 3 wards. We are specialized in and renowned for innovative and micro-invasive eye surgery. This comprises Laser cataract surgery, non-penetrating glaucoma surgery with microcatheter and stents, 27gauge and endoscopic retinal surgery, subretinal surgery for AMD, lamellar corneal transplantation, laser keratoplasty, endoscopic tear duct surgery and modern refractive surgery. We are recognized as largest vitrectomy center in Germany with more than 2.200 vitrectomies per year.
Surgical Fellowship Program
Our Fellowship Program was organized to help promising young ophthalmologists from foreign countries improve their practical skills and broaden their perspectives of ophthalmology. Fellows are expected to bring the acquired knowledge and skills back to their home countries and take part in programs to preserve vision and prevent blindness.
We offer one or two years ophthalmology training in several subspecialties. Our foundation gratefully recognizes grants, gifts, and pledges to our Fellowship Program. Funded Fellowships may be awarded to young ophthalmologists from developing countries who are committed to enhancing ophthalmic education and patient care in their home countries.
All fellows must provide at least B2 level German language certificate, C1 is preferable. The main objective is an acceptable communication with the patients, doctors, supervisors, colleagues, administration and relatives.
These subspecialties accept fellows
Retina Fellowship
- 2 years
- Full spectrum of retinal diseases (> 2.200 vitrectomies)
- Macula center with 10.000 anti-VEGF treatments
- 3 ORs for retinal surgery
- Instructed surgical training
- Participation to one of our research projects welcome
Glaucoma Fellowship
- 1 or 2 years
- Full spectrum of glaucoma diseases (> 850 glaucoma surgeries)
- Strongly specialized on Non-penetrating surgery (NO trabeculectomies)
- Canaloplasty, stent surgery, deep sclerectomy, glaucoma implants, angle surgery
- Instructed surgical training
- Participation to one of our research projects welcome
Cornea Fellowship
- 1 or 2 years
- Full spectrum of cornea diseases (200 transplantation surgeries)
- Specialized in lamellar surgery (DMEK, Femto-DALK)
- Keratoplasty with femtosecond and excimer laser
- Modern Cornea bank in clean room
- Instructed surgical training
- Participation to one of our research projects welcome
Eye Lid Surgery Fellowship
- 1 or 2 years
- Full spectrum of eye lid diseases (1.000 eye lid surgeries)
- Tear duct surgery with endoscope
- Endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
- Instructed surgical training
Experimental Research Fellowship
- Period depends on project
- Experimental research in stem cell transplantation, bioengineering and biotechnology
- Clear Room Lab
- Cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT
- Cooperation with Institute for Clinical-Experimental surgery, University Homburg
- Cooperation with Research Institute of Ophthalmology, University Tübingen
- Cooperation with Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)
- Reference Center for Ziemer Ophthalmic Lasers (Femtosecond laser technology)
- Reference Center for DORC (Retinal surgery)
Please apply to
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Szurman
Eye Clinic Sulzbach
Knappschaft Hospital Saar
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Current and past fellows
Khaled Helaiwa
Kingdom of Bahrain
Retina Fellowship Oct 2015 – Sept 2017
Christos Chryssafis
Athens, Greece
Retina Fellowship Oct 2013 – Sept 2015
Rayan Al Natout
Fellowship program 2014
Nassaj Safwan
Saudi Arabia
Ammar Jabour
Fellowship program 2013 – 2014
Mohammed Khoshnaw
Fellowship program 2010 – 2012
Moustafa Kour Sidou
Fellowship program 2010 – 2012