2021 (51 Publikationen)
- Gunnemann ML, Röhrig S, Gutfleisch M, Lommatzsch A, Szurman P, Boden K, Januschowski K. Frequency of retinal detachment after surgical treatment of full-thickness macular holes with 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy. Acta Ophthalmol 2021; 99: 441-442 [IF 3.761]
- Seuthe AM, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Canaloplasty with Suprachoroidal Drainage in Patients with Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma - Four Years Results. Curr Eye Res 2021; 46: 217-223 [IF 2.15]
- Schulz A, Rickmann A, Julich-Haertel H, Germann A, von Briesen H, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Comparative cytotoxic and antiproliferative profile of methotrexate and fluorouracil on different ocular cells. Acta Ophthalmol 2021; 99: 1070-1076 [IF 3.362]
- Khanani AM, Constantine RN, Blot KH, Lescrauwaet B, Szurman P. Effectiveness of ocriplasmin in real-world settings: A systematic literature review, meta-analysis, and comparison with randomized trials. Acta Ophthalmol 2021; 99: 823-836 [IF 3.362]
- Rickmann A, Wahl S, Katsen-Globa A, Schulz A, Pütz N, Szurman P. Cleavage plane after liquid-bubble preparation of Descemet's membrane. Acta Ophthalmol 2021; 99; 937-743 [IF 3.362]
- Vandebroek AC, Emmerich C, Rickmann A, Macek MA, Szurman P. Radiäre Optikusneurotomie bei Drusenpapille [Radial optic neurotomy with optic disc drusen]. Ophthalmologe 2021; 118: 1143-1145; [IF 1.147]
- Al-Nawaiseh S, Rickmann A, Seuthe AM, Al-Rimawi D, Stanzel BV, Szurman P. A revised predictive biomarker for ocriplasmin therapy in vitreomacular traction disorders. Retina 2021; 41: 2549-2555 [IF 3.649]
- Rickmann A, Boden KT, Trouvain AM, Wahl S, Schulz A, Thaler S, Szurman P. Single peripheral triangular mark ensuring correct graft orientation in DMEK. Acta Ophthalmol 2021 Jun 17.; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34145763 [IF 3.362]
- Szurman P, Wakili P, Stanzel BV, Siegel R, Boden KT, Rickmann A. Persistent macular holes - what is the best strategy for revision? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2021; 259: 1781-1730 [IF3.177]
- Januschowski K, Boden KT, Macek AM, Szurman P, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Hoogmartens C, Rickmann A. A modified sutureless intrascleral fixation technique for secondary intraocular lens implantation - a pilot study. Retina 2021 May 27; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34050099 [IF 3.649]
- Schulz A, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Novel vitreous substitutes: the next frontier in vitreoretinal surgery. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2021 May 1;32(2): 288-293 [IF 3.761]
- Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Januschowski K, Pérez Guerra N, Szurman P, Rickmann A. Silikonöltröpfchen im Glaskörper nach intravitrealer Injektion [Silicone oil droplets in the vitreous body after intravitreal injection]. Ophthalmologe 2021 Mar 9 ; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33687491 [IF 1.147]
- Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Boden KT, Szurman P, Al-Nawaiseh S, Rickmann A, Januschowski K. Postoperative Endophthalmitis im Spiegel der Literatur [Postoperative endophthalmitis-a review of literature]. Ophthalmologe 2021 Mar; 118: 210-218 [IF 1.147] Rickmann A, Wahl S, Schulz A, Szurman P. Transportation of Preloaded DMEK Grafts. Cornea 2021 Mar 1; 40(3): e5-e6. PMID: 33136689 [IF 2.215]
- El Mourad S, Al-Nawaiseh S, Szurman P, Stanzel BV. Retinales kapilläres Hämangioblastom im makulopapillären Bündel [Retinal capillary hemangioblastoma in the maculopapillary bundle]. Ophthalmologe 2021 Feb 17; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33595688 [IF 1.147]
- Bedersdorfer M, Rickmann A, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Szurman P, Boden KT, Seitz B, Fries FN. Intravenöse Fibrinolyse bei einem nichtarteriitischen Zentralarterienverschluss – eine Behandlungsoption? [Intravenous fibrinolysis for nonarteritic central retinal artery occlusion-a treatment option?]. Ophthalmologe 2021 Feb 9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33559724 [IF 1.147]
- Erokhina M, Szurman P, Dimopoulos S, Januschowski K, Seuthe AM. Postoperative cystoid macular oedema after non-penetrating glaucoma surgery. Acta Ophthalmol 2021 Dec;99(8);e1534-1535. Epub 20021 Feb. 4. PMID: 33538397 [IF 3.362]
- Mansouri K, Kersten-Gomez I, Hoffmann EM, Szurman P, Choritz L, Weinreb RN. Intraocular Pressure Telemetry for Managing Glaucoma during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ophthalmol Glaucoma. 2021 Sept-Oct;4(5): 447-453; 2589-4196(20)30326-4. Epub 2021 Feb 4. PMID: 33358988 [IF12.079]
- Januschowski K, Boden KT, Szurman P, Stalmans P, Siegel R, Pérez Guerra N, Becker SL, Rickmann A, Bisorca-Gassendorf L. Effectiveness of immediate vitrectomy and intravitreal antibiotics for post-injection endophthalmitis. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2021 Jun; 259(6); 259: 1609-1615Epub 2021 Jan 27. Erratum in: Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Nov; 259(11): 3525 PMID: 3350228 [IF 3.117]
- Hoogmartens C, Rickmann A, Bocqué C, Szurman P, Boden KT. Late-onset-Visusverlust durch retinale Atrophie bei atypischer Mukolipidose Typ 4 [Late onset visual loss due to retinal atrophy in atypical mucolipidosis type IV]. Ophthalmologe 2021 Jan 27; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33502543 [IF 1.059]
- Boden KT, Schlosser R, Reipen L, Seitz B, Januschowski K, Szurman P, Wakili P, Julich-Haertel H, Rickmann A. The impact of limbus detection, arcus lipoides and limbal vessels on the primary patency of clear cornea incisions in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. Acta Ophthalmol 2021 Sep;99(6):e943-e948 ; Epub 2021 Jan 27. PMID: 33502099 [IF 3.362]
- Rickmann A, Paez LR, Della Volpe Waizel M, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Schulz A, Vandebroek AC, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Functional and structural outcome after vitrectomy combined with subretinal rtPA Injection with or without additional intravitreal Bevacizumab injection for submacular hemorrhages. PLoS One 2021 Apr 30;16(4): e0250587 [IF 3.240]
- Boden KT, Januschowski K, Szurman P, Seuthe AM, Rickmann A, Seitz B, Alsharairi M, Leers S, Wakili P. New optical coherence tomography grading system for macula-off rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: how off is off? BMJ Open Ophthalmol 2021 Mar 8; 6(1): e000419 [IF 2.43]
- Seah I, Liu Z, Soo Lin Wong D, Wong W, Holder GE, Amutha Barathi V, Lingam G, Su X, Stanzel BV. Retinal Pigment Epithelium Transplantation in a Non-human Primate Model for Degenerative Retinal Diseases. J Vis Exp 2021 Jun 14;(172)Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34180899. [IF 1.355]
- Liu Z, Parikh BH, Tan QSW, Wong DSL, Ong KH, Yu W, Seah I, Holder GE, Hunziker W, Tan GSW, Barathi VA, Lingam G, Stanzel BV, Blenkinsop TA, Su X. Surgical Transplantation of Human RPE Stem Cell-Derived RPE Monolayers into Non-Human Primates with Immunosuppression. Stem Cell Reports 2021 Feb 9; 16(2): 237-251 Epub 2021 Jan 14 PMCID: PMC7878718 [IF 7.765]
- Tan GSW, Liu Z, Ilmarinen T, Barathi VA, Chee CK, Lingam G, Su X, Stanzel BV. Hints for Gentle Submacular Injection in Non-Human Primates Based on Intraoperative OCT Guidance. Transl Vis Sci Technol 2021 Jan 7;10(1): 10 PMCID: PMC7804573 [IF 3.283]
- Auffarth GU, Gerl M, Tsai L, Janakiraman DP, Jackson B, Alarcon A, Dick HB;Quantum Study Group. Clinical evaluation of a new monofocal IOL with enhancedintermediate function in patients with cataract. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2021Feb 1;47(2):184-191. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000399. PMID: 32932369. [IF 3.351]
- Becker SL, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Boden KT, Al-Nawaiseh S, Januschowski K,Seitz B, Pérez Guerra N. Mikrobiologische und infektiologische Aspekte derpostoperativen Endophthalmitis [Microbiological and infectious disease aspectsof postoperative endophthalmitis]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Mar;118(3):230-234.German. doi: 10.1007/s00347-020-01287-z. PMID: 33296018. [IF 1.059]
- Steel DH, Geraghty B, Kearns V, Stanzel B, Wong D. Subretinal injection underperfluorocarbon liquids to avoid foveal dehiscence. Retina. 2021 Jan 2. doi:10.1097/IAE.0000000000003104. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33411471. [IF 4.256]
- Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Januschowski K, Boden KT, Szurman P, Rickmann A.Patients face masks do not increase the risk of post-injection endophthalmitis.Acta Ophthalmol. 2021 Nov 30. doi: 10.1111/aos.15069. Epub ahead of print. PMID:34845834. [IF 3.761]
- Januschowski K. Die postoperative Endophthalmitis zwischen Albtraum undHoffnung [Postoperative endophthalmitis between nightmare and hope].Ophthalmologe. 2021 Mar;118(3):209. German. doi: 10.1007/s00347-020-01262-8.PMID: 33666728. [IF 1.147]
- Zabek O, Camenzind Zuche H, Müller U, Scholl HPN, Rickmann A, Della VolpeWaizel M. Optical coherence tomography angiography findings in patientsundergoing transcorneal electrical stimulation for treating retinitispigmentosa. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 May;259(5):1167-1177. doi:10.1007/s00417-020-04963-7. Epub 2020 Oct 10. PMID: 33037922; PMCID: PMC8102288 [IF 3.117]
- Meyer CH, Adamcova M, Rodrigues EB, Stanzel B, Koss MJ. Verschluss vonpersistierenden Makulalöchern durch subretinale Flüssigkeitsapplikation:technisches Vorgehen und chirurgische Überlegungen [Closure of Persisting FullThickness Macular Holes by Subretinal Fluid Application: Technical Approach andSurgical Considerations]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021 Feb;238(2):173-178.German. doi: 10.1055/a-1120-8673. Epub 2020 Apr 14. PMID: 32289849. [IF 0.605]
- Liu Z, Ilmarinen T, Tan GSW, Hongisto H, Wong EYM, Tsai ASH, Al-Nawaiseh S,Holder GE, Su X, Barathi VA, Skottman H, Stanzel BV. Submacular integration of hESC-RPE monolayer xenografts in a surgical non-human primate model. Stem CellRes Ther. 2021 Jul 27;12(1):423. doi: 10.1186/s13287-021-02395-6. PMID:34315534; PMCID: PMC8314642. [IF 5.985]
- Meral N, Zabek O, Camenzind Zuche H, Müller U, Prétot D, Rickmann A, SchollHPN, Della Volpe Waizel M. Metabolic Long-Term Monitoring of TranscornealElectrical Stimulation in Retinitis Pigmentosa. Ophthalmic Res. 2021 Oct 4:1.doi: 10.1159/000519998. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34607326. Bonzheim I, Sander P, Salmeron-Villalobos J, Süsskind D, Szurman P, GekelerF, Spitzer MS, Steinhilber J, Kohler E, Büssgen M, Schittenhelm J, Salaverria I,Campo E, Coupland SE, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Fend F. The molecular hallmarks ofprimary and secondary vitreoretinal lymphoma. Blood Adv. 2021 Aug27:bloodadvances.2021004212.doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021004212. Epub aheadof print. PMID: 34448823. [IF 5.486]
- Trouvain AM, Bocqué C, Müller LJ, Heinrich C, Bewarder M, Pérez Guerra N,Szurman G, Becker SL, Rickmann A. Konjunktivales Mantelzelllymphom – einetherapeutische Herausforderung [Conjunctival mantle cell lymphoma-a therapeuticchallenge]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jul 28. German. doi: 10.1007/s00347-021-01462-w.Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34319474. [IF 1.059]
- Januschowski K, Ihmig FR, Koch T, Velten T, Rickmann A. Context-sensitivesmart glasses monitoring wear position and activity for therapy compliance-Aproof of concept. PLoS One. 2021 Feb 19;16(2):e0247389. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0247389. PMID: 33606776; PMCID: PMC7895366. [IF 3.240]
- Rickmann A, Schulz A, Bohrer B, Waizel M, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Al-NawaisehS, Wakili P, Januschowski K. Systemic Curcumin-Human Serum Albumin inProliferative Vitreoretinal Retinopathy: A Pilot Study. Cureus. 2021 Oct10;13(10):e18645. doi: 10.7759/cureus.18645. PMID: 34786240; PMCID: PMC8577792. [IF 4.256]
- Rickmann A, Boden K, Trouvain AM, Müller LJ, Bocqué C, Thaler S, Szurman P.Clinical results after single asymmetrical shark fin for graft orientation inDMEK. Int Ophthalmol. 2021 Oct 31. doi: 10.1007/s10792-021-02091-7. Epub aheadof print. PMID: 34718920. [IF 1.670]
- Abaza A, Wahl G, Kortüm C, Januschowski K, Besch D, Schramm C. Objective Monitoring of Spectacle Wearing Times in Adult Subjects Using theTheramon
- Thermosensor. Clin Ophthalmol. 2021 Mar 31;15:1375-1389.doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S287508. PMID: 33833496; PMCID: PMC8020140. [IF 2.140]
- Szurman P, Mansouri K, Dick HB, Mermoud A, Hoffmann EM, Mackert M, WeinrebRN, Rao HL, Seuthe AM; EYEMATE-SC study group. Safety and performance of asuprachoroidal sensor for telemetric measurement of intraocular pressure in theEYEMATE-SC trial. Br J Ophthalmol. 2021 Nov 12:bjophthalmol-2021-320023. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2021-320023. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34772665. [IF 4.19]
- Januschowski K, Boden KT, Szurman P, Stalmans P, Siegel R, Pérez Guerra N,Becker SL, Rickmann A, Bisorca-Gassendorf L. Correction to: Effectiveness ofimmediate vitrectomy and intravitreal antibiotics for post-injection endophthalmitis. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Nov;259(11):3525. doi:10.1007/s00417-021-05179-z. Erratum for: Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021Jun;259(6):1609-1615. PMID: 34661746. [IF 3.117]
- Burri C, Al-Nawaiseh S, Wakili P, Salzmann S, Krötz C, Považay B, Meier C,Frenz M, Szurman P, Schulz A, Stanzel B. Selective Large-Area Retinal PigmentEpithelial Removal by Microsecond Laser in Preparation for Cell Therapy. TranslVis Sci Technol. 2021 Aug 12;10(10):17. doi: 10.1167/tvst.10.10.17. PMID:34842907; PMCID: PMC8631056. [IF 3.283]
- Ahamed S, Weiler G, Boden K, Januschowski K, Stennes M, McCrae P, Bock C,Rawein C, Petris M, Foth K, Rohm K, Kiefer S. Deep Neural Network Driven SpeecClassification for Relevance Detection in Automatic Medical Documentation. StudHealth Technol Inform. 2021 May 27;281:63-67. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210121. PMID:34042706. [IF 0.678]
- Rickmann A, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Januschowski K, Boden KT. Transluminale Laserembolektomie bei Hemizentralarterienverschluss [Transluminal laserembolectomy for hemi-central retinal artery occlusion]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Jun30. German. doi: 10.1007/s00347-021-01441-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID:34191055. [IF 1.059]
- Erokhina M, Lang B, Vandebroek AC, Szurman P, Rickmann A. Multimodale Bildgebung bei akuter posteriorer multifokaler plakoider Pigmentepitheliopathie(APMPPE) [Multimodal imaging in acute posterior multifocal placoid pigmentepitheliopathy (APMPPE)]. Ophthalmologe. 2021 Oct 18. German. doi:10.1007/s00347-021-01513-2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34661703. [IF 1.059]
- Zabek O, Schlosser R, Szabo J, Rickmann A, Volpe MD. Phakolyse einer hypermaturen senilen Katarakt: eine selten gewordene Entität [Phacolysis of aHypermature Senile Cataract: Now a Rare Entity]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2021Dec 17. German. doi: 10.1055/a-1686-9453. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34921358. [IF 0.605]
- Trouvain AM, Szurman P, Bocqué C, Rickmann A. Liquid bubble dissection technique assures rapid and safe DMEK lamella preparation. Graefes Arch Clin ExpOphthalmol. 2021 Nov;259(11):3519-3520. doi: 10.1007/s00417-021-05299-6. Epub2021 Jul 15. PMID: 34264397. [IF 3.11]
- Rickmann A, Boden K, Wahl S, Trouvain A, Schulz A, Szurman P. Comparison ofclinical outcomes after precut DMEK with or without dextran-containing mediumcompared to standard DMEK: a prospective pilot study. Int Ophthalmol. 2021 Oct21. doi: 10.1007/s10792-021-02056-w. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34674086. [IF 1.67]
- Roth M, Holtmann C, Daas L, Kakkassery V, Kurzai O, Geerling G, Bäurle S,Bayoudh W, Brücher V, Cvetkova-Fischer N, Dias Blak M, Bornstein A, Fischer C,Fuest M, Grisanti S, Herwig-Carl MC, Kroll S, Lenk J, Lommatzsch C, MacKenzieCR, Matthaei M, Mehlan J, Messmer EM, Müller V, Pawlik V, Ranjbar M, Renner-Wilde A, Rickmann A, Saeger M, Schargus M, Schwarz L, Seitz B, Steindor F,Unterlauf JD, Viestenz A, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Walther G. Results From theGerman Fungal Keratitis Registry: Significant Differences Between Cases With andWithout a History of Contact Lens Use. Cornea. 2021 Nov 1;40(11):1453-1461. doi:10.1097/ICO.0000000000002705. PMID: 34633358. [IF 2.651]
2020 (33 Publikationen)
- Rizzo S, Barale PO, Ayello-Scheer S, Devenyi RG, Delyfer MN, Korobelnik JF, Rachitskaya A, Yuan A, Jayasundera KT, Zacks DN, Handa JT, Montezuma SR, Koozekanani D, Stanga PE, da Cruz L, Walter P, Augustin AJ, Chizzolini M, Olmos de Koo LC, Ho AC, Kirchhof B, Hahn P, Vajzovic L, Iezzi R Jr, Gaucher D, Arevalo JF, Gregori NZ, Grisanti S, Özmert E, Yoon YH, Kokame GT, Lim JI, Szurman P, de Juan E Jr, Rezende FA, Salzmann J, Richard G, Huang SS, Merlini F, Patel U, Cruz C, Greenberg RJ, Justus S, Cinelli L, Humayun MS. ADVERSE EVENTS OF THE ARGUS II RETINAL PROSTHESIS: Incidence, Causes, and Best Practices for Managing and Preventing Conjunctival Erosion. Retina 2020; 40: 303-311 [IF 3.649]
- Koss MJ, Bolz M, Augustin AJ, Koch F, Szurman P, Stanzel B, Fauser S, Mennel S, Vossmerbäumer U, de Smet MD, Höhn F, Küchle M, Lorenz B, Lüke M, Lytvynchuk L, Meyer CH, Paul C, Rodrigues EB, Schrage N, Zehnder C. Sicherheit, Effektivität und protektive Wirkung einer Parazentese bei intravitrealen Injektionen: „Eine Lanze für die Parazentese brechen“. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2020; 237: 90-94 [IF 0.382]
- Boden KT, Schlosser R, Boden K, Januschowski K, Szurman P, Rickmann A. Novel Liquid Interface for Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Penetrating Keratoplasty. Curr Eye Res 2020; 45: 1051-1057 [IF 1.754]
- Boden KT, Rickmann A, Fries FN, Xanthopoulou K, Alnaggar D, Januschowski K, Seitz B, Käsmann-Kellner B, Schrecker J. Evaluierung eines VR-Simulators zum Erlernen der direkten Ophthalmoskopie in der studentischen Lehre. Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 44-49 [IF 1.147]
- Choritz L, Mansouri K, van den Bosch J, Weigel M, Dick HB, Wagner M, Thieme H; ARGOS study group. Telemetric Measurement of Intraocular Pressure via an Implantable Pressure Sensor-12-Month Results from the ARGOS-02 Trial. Am J Ophthalmol 2020; 209: 187-196 [IF 4.013]
- Rickmann A, Wahl S, Hofmann N, Knakowski J, Haus A, Börgel M, Szurman P. Comparison of preloaded grafts for Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) in a novel preloaded transport cartridge compared to conventional precut grafts. Cell Tissue Bank 2020; 21: 205-213 [IF1.149]
- Schulz A, Rickmann A, Wahl S, Germann A, Stanzel BV, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Alginate- and Hyaluronic Acid-Based Hydrogels as Vitreous Substitutes: An In Vitro Evaluation. Transl Vis Sci Technol 2020; 9: 34 [2.399]
- Al-Nawaiseh S, Rickmann A, Stanzel BV, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Chorioretinale Falten interessanter Genese [Chorioretinal folds of interesting etiology]. Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 1234-1238 [IF 1.147]
- Koss MJ, Bolz M, Augustin AJ, Koch F, Szurman P, Stanzel B, Fauser S, Mennel S, Vossmerbäumer U, de Smet MD, Höhn F, Küchle M, Lorenz B, Lüke M, Lytvynchuk L, Meyer CH, Paul C, Rodrigues EB, Schrage N, Zehetner C. Erratum: Sicherheit, Effektivität und protektive Wirkung einer Parazentese bei intravitrealen Injektionen: „Eine Lanze für die Parazentese brechen“ [Correction: Safety, Efficacy and Protective Aspects of an Add-on Paracentesis during Intravitreal Injections]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2020; 237: e1. Erratum for: Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2020; 237: 90-94 [IF 0.382]
- Szurman P. Stellenwert der intraoperativen optischen Kohärenztomografie in der Netzhautchirurgie. Teil 2: contra [Value of Intraoperative OCT in Retinal Surgery. Part 2: Contra]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2020; 237: 1225-1229 [IF 0.382]
- Rickmann A, Al-Nawaiseh S, Ramirez L, Röhrig S, Ladewig M, Szurman P, Szurman G. Progressive Makulopathie trotz Absetzen der Chloroquin-Therapie – Multimodale Bildgebung und Review der Literatur [Progressive maculopathy despite discontinuation of chloroquine treatment-multimodal imaging and review of the literature]. Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 917-925 [IF 1.147]
- Boden KT, Szurman P. Aktueller Stellenwert der Femtosekundenlaser-assistierten Kataraktchirurgie [Current value of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery]. Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 405-414 [IF 1.147]
- Meyer CH, Szurman P, Haritoglou C, Maier M, Wolf A, Lytvynchuk L, Priglinger S, Hillenkamp J, Wachtlin J, Becker M, Mennel S, Koss MJ. Application of subretinal fluid to close refractory full thickness macular holes: treatment strategies and primary outcome: APOSTEL study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2020; 258: 2151-2161 (IF 2.69]
- Boden KT, Mariacher M, Januschowski K, Boden K, Rickmann A, Szurman P, Seitz B, Mariacher S. Stability of a non-applanating handheld liquid patient interface for femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. Int Ophthalmol 2020; 40: 2683-2689 [IF 8.47]
- Sermeus L, Rickmann A, Schlosser R, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Exazerbation einer okulären Myasthenia gravis [Exacerbation of ocular myasthenia gravis]. Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 571-574 [IF 1.147]
- Szurman P. May consultation #4. J Cataract Refract Surg 2020; 46: 799-800 [IF 2.689]
Boden KT, Szurman P. Erratum zu: Aktueller Stellenwert der Femtosekundenlaser-assistierten Kataraktchirurgie [Correction to: Current value of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery]. Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 414. Erratum for: Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 405-414 (IF 1.147]
- Seuthe AM, Jung S, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Predictive factors for the IOP reduction in phacocanaloplasty with suprachoroidal drainage. Int Ophthalmol. 2020; 40: 1897-1903 [IF 1.67]
- Mariacher S, Mariacher M, Seuthe AM, Szurman P, Seitz B, Boden KT. Impact of Patient Interface Diameter and Vacuum Level on Suction Stability Using a Flat Applanating Interface for Femtosecond Laser-Assisted LASIK. Curr Eye Res 2020; 45: 789-796 [IF 1.639]
- Rickmann A, Andres C, Boden K, Wahl S, Szurman P. Analysis of different types of anesthesia in descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Int Ophthalmol 2020: 40: 541-545 [IF 1.67]
- Rickmann A, Ramirez Paez L, Al-Nawaiseh S, Szurman P, Macek M. Capsular-Block-Syndrom (CBS) – „Lacteocrumenasia“ [Capsular Block Syndrome (CBS) - "Lacteocrumenasia"]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2020; 237: 699-700 [IF 0.382]
- Helaiwa K, Paez LR, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Combined Administration of Preoperative Intravitreal and Intraoperative Subretinal Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Acute Hemorrhagic Age-related Macular Degeneration. Cureus 2020; 12: e7229 [IF 1.15]
- Rickmann A, Al-Nawaiseh S, Della Volpe M, Straßer T, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Assessment of Macular Function Following Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling With ILM Blue®. Cureus 2020; 12: e11873 [IF 1.15]
- Bocqué C, Januschowski K. Sklerafixierte Intraokularlinse mit Z‑Nahttechnik bei Linsensubluxation im Rahmen einer Sphärophakie [Scleral-fixated intraocular lenses with Z‑suture technique for lens subluxation associated with spherophakia]. Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 267-269 [IF 1.147]
- Claaßen C, Dannecker M, Grübel J, Kotzampasi ME, Tovar GEM, Stanzel BV, Borchers K. Publisher Correction: The choice of biopolymer is crucial to trigger angiogenesis with vascular endothelial growth factor releasing coatings. J Mater Sci Mater Med 2020; 31: 111 [IF 2.487]
- Hoogmartens C, Stanzel BV. Akute makuläre Neuroretinopathie bei einer 13-jährigen Patientin mit fokaler choroidaler Exkavation und Pachychoroid [Acute macular neuroretinopathy in a 13-year-old female patient with focal choroidal excavation and pachychoroid disease]. Ophthalmologe 2020; 117: 791-797 [IF 1.147]
- Shariatzadeh M, Chandra A, Wilson SL, McCall MJ, Morizur L, Lesueur L, Chose O, Gepp MM, Schulz A, Neubauer JC, Zimmermann H, Abranches E, Man J, O'Shea O, Stacey G, Hewitt Z, Williams DJ. Distributed automated manufacturing of pluripotent stem cell products. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2020; 106: 1085-1103 [IF 3.226]
2018 (16 Publikationen)
- Seuthe AM, Januschowski K, Mariacher S, Ebner M, Opitz N, Szurman P, Boden K. The effect of canaloplasty with suprachoroidal drainage combined with cataract surgery - 1-year results. Acta Ophthalmol 2018; 96: e74-e78 [IF 3.157]
- Rickmann A, Macek MA, Szurman P, Boden K. Acute monocular loss of vision: Differential diagnostic considerations apart from the internistic etiological clarification. Ophthalmologe 2018; 115: 676-679 [IF 0.775]
- Szurman P, Januschowski K, Boden KT, Seuthe AM. Suprachoroidal drainage with collagen sheet implant- a novel technique for non-penetrating glaucoma surgery. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2018; 236: 381-385 [IF 2.349]
- Paul C, Heun C, Müller HH, Hoerauf H, Feltgen N, Wachtlin J, Kaymak H, Mennel S, Koss MJ, Fauser S, Maier MM, Schumann RG, Mueller S, Chang P, Schmitz-Valckenberg S, Kazerounian S, Szurman P, Lommatzsch A, Bertelmann T. Calculating the individual probability of successful ocriplasmin treatment in eyes with VMT syndrome: a multivariable prediction model from the EXPORT study. Br J Ophthalmol 2018; 102: 1092-1097 [IF 3.806]
- Rizzo S, Barale PO, Ayello-Scheer S, Devenyi RG, Delyfer MN, Korobelnik JF,Rachitskaya A, Yuan A, Jayasundera KT, Zacks DN, Handa JT, Montezuma SR,Koozekanani D, Stanga PE, da Cruz L, Walter P, Augustin AJ, Chizzolini M, Olmosde Koo LC, Ho AC, Kirchhof B, Hahn P, Vajzovic L, Iezzi R Jr, Gaucher D, Arevalo JF, Gregori NZ, Grisanti S, Özmert E, Yoon YH, Kokame GT, Lim JI, Szurman P, deJuan E Jr, Rezende FA, Salzmann J, Richard G, Huang SS, Merlini F, Patel U, Cruz C, Greenberg RJ, Justus S, Cinelli L, Humayun MS. ADVERSE EVENTS OF THE ARGUS II RETINAL PROSTHESIS: Incidence, Causes, and Best Practices for Managing andPreventing Conjunctival Erosion. Retina. 2018 Nov 20. doi:10.1097/IAE.0000000000002394. [Epub ahead of print].
- Ivanescu R, Ivanescu C, Januschowski K, Ivanescu A. Progression of Eales'disease post-partum and long-term follow-up: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2018 Oct 17; 12(1):310. doi: 10.1186/s13256-018-1768-y. PubMed PMID: 30326970; PubMedCentral PMCID: PMC6192282.
- Helaiwa K, Januschowski K, Boden KT, Rickmann A. An Unusual Case of DMEK Graft Loss into the Vitreous and Its Successful Retrieval and Survival. Case Rep Ophthalmol 2018; 9: 381-387
- Boden K, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Suprachoroidal hydrogel buckling. Ophthalmologe 2018; 115: 967-971
- Januschowski K, Irigoyen C, Pastor JC, Srivastava GK, Romano MR, Heimann H, Stalmans P, Van Keer K, Boden K, Szurman P, Spitzer MS. Retinal Toxicity of Medical Devices Used during Vitreoretinal Surgery: A Critical Overview.Ophthalmologica. 2018; 240: 236-243
- Röhrig S, Farecki ML, Boden KT, Haus A, Gutfleisch M, Jung S, Lommatzsch A, Szurman P, Januschowski K. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF VITAL DYES AFTER UNEVENTFUL VITREOMACULAR SURGERY. Retina 2018 Jun 27. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000002231. [Epub ahead of print]
- Januschowski K, Seuthe AM, Boden KT, Spitzer MS, Szurman P. Novel vitreous body replacement with hydrogel. Ophthalmologe 2018; 115: 692-696
- Gregori NZ, Callaway NF, Hoeppner C, Yuan A, Rachitskaya A, Feuer W, Ameri H,Arevalo JF, Augustin AJ, Birch DG, Dagnelie G, Grisanti S, Davis JL, Hahn P,Handa JT, Ho AC, Huang SS, Humayun MS, Iezzi R Jr, Jayasundera KT, Kokame GT, Lam BL, Lim JI, Mandava N, Montezuma SR, Olmos de Koo L, Szurman P, Vajzovic L, Wiedemann P, Weiland J, Yan J, Zacks DN. Retinal Anatomy and Electrode Array Position in Retinitis Pigmentosa Patients After Argus II Implantation: An International Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2018; 193: 87-99
- Rickmann A, Szurman P, Jung S, Boden KT, Wahl S, Haus A, Boden K, Januschowski K. Impact of 10% SF6 Gas Compared to 100% Air Tamponade in Descemet's Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Curr Eye Res 2018; 43: 482-486
- Hurst J, Vitkute M, Hofmann K, Müller S, Löscher M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Spitzer MS, Schnichels S, Januschowski K. Comparison of Different Cell Culture Media in the Model of the Isolated and Superfused Bovine Retina: Investigating the Limits of More Physiological Perfusion Solutions. Curr Eye Res 2018; 43: 232-243
- Rickmann A, Opitz N, Szurman P, Boden KT, Jung S, Wahl S, Haus A, Damm LJ, Januschowski K. Clinical Comparison of Two Methods of Graft Preparation in Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Curr Eye Res 2018; 43: 12-17
- Heider A, Dimopoulos S, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Real-life experience with intravitreal ocriplasmin on vitreomacular traction and full-thickness macular holes. Acta Ophthalmol 2018; 96: e890-891 [IF 3.032]
2019 (38 Publikationen)
- Januschowski K, Rickmann A, Emmerich C, Abaza A, Bechtold TE, Schott TC, Schramm C. The Use of a Microsensor in Therapy of Amblyopia. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2019; 236: 1170-1173
- Boden KT, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Suprachoroidal Hydrogel Buckle - a New Minimal-Invasive Technique in Treatment of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2019; 236: 308-312
- Haus A, Szurman P, Seuthe AM. Catheter-independent suture probe canaloplasty with suprachoroidal drainage. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2019; 257: 169-173
- Rickmann A, Wahl S, Hofmann N, Haus A, Michaelis R, Petrich T, Blomberg L, Börgel M, Jung S, Szurman P. Precut DMEK Using Dextran-Containing Storage Medium Is Equivalent to Conventional DMEK: A Prospective Pilot Study Cornea 2019; 38: 24-29
- Mariacher S, Mariacher M, Seuthe AM, Szurman P, Seitz B, Boden KT. Impact of Patient Interface Diameter and Vacuum Level on Suction Stability Using a Flat Applanating Interface for Femtosecond Laser-Assisted LASIK. Curr Eye Res 2019; 12: 1-8
- Rickmann A, Andres C, Boden K, Wahl S, Szurman P. Analysis of different types of anesthesia in descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Int Ophthalmol 2019; 25: 10 [Epub ahead of print]
- Rickmann A, Al-Nawaiseh S, Ramirez L, Röhrig S, Ladewig M, Szurman P, Szurman G. Progressive Makulopathie trotz Absetzen der Chloroquin-Therapie – Multimodale Bildgebung und Review der Literatur. Ophthalmologe 2019; [Epub ahead of print]
- Januschowski K, Szurman P, Willekens K, Bojdys MJ, Boden K. Toxizität von schweren Flüssigkeiten. Ophthalmologe 2019; 116: 925-929
- Boden K, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Schwere Flüssigkeiten als intraoperatives Instrument in der Netzhautchirurgie. Ophthalmologe 2019; 116: 930-939
- Rickmann A, Wocker L, Damm LJ, Ivanescu C, Szurman P, Pérez Guerra N. LHON – Behandlungsoption trotz schlechtem Ausgangsvisus? Ophthalmologe 2019; 116: 970-974
- Sermeus L, Rickmann A, Schlosser R, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Exazerbation einer okulären Myasthenia gravis. Ophthalmologe 2019; 25: [Epub ahead of print]
- Röhrig S, Farecki ML, Boden KT, Haus A, Gutfleisch M, Jung S, Lommatzsch A, Szurman P, Januschowski K. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF VITAL DYES AFTER UNEVENTFUL VITREOMACULAR SURGERY. Retina 2019; 39: 1772-1778
- Mariacher S, Mariacher M, Boden KT, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Favourable outcome after late reorientation of an upside-down Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) graft: a case report. BMC Ophthalmol. 2019; 29: 19: 163
- Rickmann A, Boden KE, Wahl S, Jung S, Boden KT, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Significant differences between specular microscopy and corneal bank endothelial cell counts - a pilot study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2019; 97: e1077-e1081
- Seuthe AM, Haus A, Januschowski K, Szurman P. First Simultaneous Explantation and Re-Implantation of an Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2019; 50: 462-465
- Schulz A, Wahl S, Rickmann A, Ludwig J, Stanzel BV, von Briesen H, Szurman P. Age-Related Loss of Human Vitreal Viscoelasticity. Transl Vis Sci Technol 2019; 8: 56
- Schaffrath K, Schellhase H, Walter P, Augustin A, Chizzolini M, Kirchhof B, Grisanti S, Wiedemann P, Szurman P, Richard G, Greenberg RJ, Dorn JD, Parmeggiani F, Rizzo S. One-Year Safety and Performance Assessment of the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis: A Postapproval Study. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019; 137: 896-902
- Boden KT, Pérez Guerra N, Szurman P, Simon A, Becker SL. Eosinophilia, iron deficiency anaemia and a subconjunctival worm in a girl from Cameroon. Travel Med Infect Dis 2019; 29: 84-85
- Mueller S, Krupp C, Schnichels S, Hofmann J, Spitzer M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Investigating retinal toxicity of a lutein-based dye in a model of isolated and perfused bovine retina. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2019; 257: 961-966
- Januschowski K, Emmerich C, Abaza A, Julich-Haertel H, Rickmann A. Therapiemonitoring und Innovationen in der Amblyopietherapie. Ophthalmologe 2019; 116: 1231-1234
- Rickmann A, Ramirez Paez L, Al-Nawaiseh S, Szurman P, Macek M. Capsular- Block-Syndrom (CBS) – „Lacteocrumenasia“. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2019: [Epub ahead of print]
- Rickmann A, Wahl S, Katsen-Globa A, Szurman P. Safety analysis and results of a borosilicate glass cartridge for no-touch graft loading and injection in Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty. Int Ophthalmo. 2019; 39: 2295-2301
- Stanzel B, Ader M, Liu Z, Amaral J, Aguirre LIR, Rickmann A, Barathi VA, Tan GSW, Degreif A, Al-Nawaiseh S, Szurman P. Surgical Approaches for Cell Therapeutics Delivery to the Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Retina. Adv Exp Med Biol 2019; 1186: 141-170
- Wang J, Jin J, Malik A, Shoge R, Meiyeppen S, Pang Y, Yin K, Allen M, Scombordi B, Soni A, Neely DE, Januschowski K. Feasibility of monitoring compliance with intermittent occlusion therapy glasses for amblyopia treatment. J AAPOS 2019; 23: 205: e1-205.e5
- Bocqué C, Januschowski K. Sklerafixierte Intraokularlinse mit Z‑Nahttechnik bei Linsensubluxation im Rahmen einer Sphärophakie. Ophthalmologe 2019: [Epub ahead of print]
- Damm LJ, Boden KT, Januschowski K. Stellenwert der Vitrektomie bei Endophthalmitis: Wie eine prompte Vitrektomie den Visus wiederherstellen kann. Ophthalmologe 2019; 116: 569-571
- Wocker L, Januschowski K. Steroidimplantat bei sympathischer Ophthalmie: Intravitreales Dexamethason-Implantat bei zystoidem Makulaödem im Rahmen einer sympathischen Ophthalmie. Ophthalmologe 2019; 116: 380-383
- Mueller S, Krupp C, Schnichels S, Hofmann J, Spitzer M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Investigating retinal toxicity of a lutein-based dye in a model of isolated and perfused bovine retina. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2019; 257: 961-966
- Schatz A, Seuthe AM, Januschowski K. Effect of Ocriplasmin on objectively assessed retinal function after treatment of vitreomacular diseases. Acta Ophthalmol 2019; 97: e700-e705
- Januschowski K, Schnichels S, Hurst J, Hohenadl C, Reither C, Rickmann A, Pohl L, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Spitzer MS. Ex vivo biophysical characterization of a hydrogel-based artificial vitreous substitute. PLoS One 2019, 14: e0209217
- Hoogmartens C, Stanzel BV. Akute makuläre Neuroretinopathie bei einer 13-jährigen Patientin mit fokaler choroidaler Exkavation und Pachychoroid. Ophthalmologe 2019; 10 Epub ahead of print
- Ilmarinen T, Thieltges F, Hongisto H, Juuti-Uusitalo K, Koistinen A, Kaarniranta K, Brinken R, Braun N, Holz FG, Skottman H, Stanzel BV. Survival and functionality of xeno-free human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells on polyester substrate after transplantation in rabbits. Acta Ophthalmol 2019; 97: e688-e699
- Schaffrath K, Schellhase H, Walter P, Augustin A, Chizzolini M, Kirchhof B, Grisanti S, Wiedemann P, Szurman P, Richard G, Greenberg RJ, Dorn JD, Parmeggiani F, Rizzo S. One-Year Safety and Performance Assessment of the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis: A Postapproval Study. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019; 137: 896-902 [IF 6.198]
- Röhrig S, Farecki ML, Boden KT, Haus A, Gutfleisch M, Jung S, Lommatzsch A, Szurman P, Januschowski K. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF VITAL DYES AFTER UNEVENTFUL VITREOMACULAR SURGERY. Retina 2019; 39: 1772-1778 [IF 3.649]
- Schatz A, Seuthe AM, Januschowski K. Effect of Ocriplasmin on objectively assessed retinal function after treatment of vitreomacular diseases. Acta Ophthalmol 2019; 97: e700-e705 [IF 3.362]
- Ilmarinen T, Thieltges F, Hongisto H, Juuti-Uusitalo K, Koistinen A, Kaarniranta K, Brinken R, Braun N, Holz FG, Skottman H, Stanzel BV. Survival and functionality of xeno-free human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells on polyester substrate after transplantation in rabbits. Acta Ophthalmol 2019; 97: e688-e699 [IF 3.362]
- Rickmann A, Boden KE, Wahl S, Jung S, Boden KT, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Significant differences between specular microscopy and corneal bank endothelial cell counts - a pilot study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2019; 97: e1077-e1081 [IF 3.362]
- Januschowski K, Schnichels S, Hurst J, Hohenadl C, Reither C, Rickmann A, Pohl L, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Spitzer MS. Ex vivo biophysical characterization of a hydrogel-based artificial vitreous substitute. PLoS One 2019, 14: e0209217 [IF 3.240]
Anzahl Publikationen 326
davon Erstautorschaften 34
davon Seniorautorschaften 87
Buchbeiträge 33
Persönlicher h-index
42 Kumulativer Impact Factor IF 482.365
Zitationen gesamt 7400 (Google Scholar)
Bonzheim I, Giese S, Deuter C, Süsskind D, Zierhut M, Waizel M, Szurman P, Federmann B, Schmidt J, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Coupland SE, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Fend F. High frequency of MYD88 mutations in vitreoretinal B-cell lymphoma: a valuable tool to improve diagnostic yield of vitreous aspirates. Blood 2015; 126: 76-79 [IF 10.452]
Schaffrath K, Schellhase H, Walter P, Augustin A, Chizzolini M, Kirchhof B, Grisanti S, Wiedemann P, Szurman P, Richard G, Greenberg RJ, Dorn JD, Parmeggiani F, Rizzo S. One-Year Safety and Performance Assessment of the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis: A Postapproval Study. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019; 137: 896-902 [IF 6.198]
Zrenner E, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Benav H, Besch D, Bruckmann A, Gabel VP, Gekeler F, Greppmaier U, Harscher A, Kibbel S, Koch J, Kusnyerik A, Peters T, Stingl K, Sachs H, Stett A, Szurman P, Wilhelm B, Wilke R. Subretinal electronic chips allow blind patients to read letters and combine them to words. Proc Biol Sci 2011; 278: 1489-1497 [IF 5.683]
Zhu Q, Ziemssen F, Henke-Fahle S, Tatar O, Szurman P, Aisenbrey S, Schneiderhan-Marra N, Xu X, Grisanti S. Vitreous levels of bevacizumab and vascular endothelial growth factor-A in patients with choroidal neovascularization. Ophthalmology 2008; 115; 1750-1755 [IF 5.296]
Tatar O, Adam A, Shinoda K, Kaiserling E, Boeyden V, Claes C, Eckardt C, Eckert T, Pertile G, Scharioth GB, Yoeruek E, Szurman P, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Grisanti S. Early effects of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide on inflammation and proliferation in human choroidal neovascularization. Arch Ophthalmol 2009; 127: 275-281 [IF 3.859]
Spitzer MS, Yoeruek E, Leitritz MA, Szurman P, Bartz-Schmidt KU. A new technique for treating posttraumatic aniridia with aphakia: first results of haptic fixation of a foldable intraocular lens on a foldable and custom-tailored iris prosthesis. Arch Ophthalmol 2012; 130: 771-775 [IF 3.859]
Ebner M, Mariacher S, Januschowski K, Boden K, Seuthe AM, Szurman P, Boden KT. Comparison of intraocular pressure during the application of a liquid patient interface (FEMTO LDV Z8) for femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery using two different vacuum levels. Br J Ophthalmol 2017; 101: 1138-1142 [IF 3.806]
Paul C, Heun C, Müller HH, Hoerauf H, Feltgen N, Wachtlin J, Kaymak H, Mennel S, Koss MJ, Fauser S, Maier MM, Schumann RG, Mueller S, Chang P, Schmitz-Valckenberg S, Kazerounian S, Szurman P, Lommatzsch A, Bertelmann T. Calculating the individual probability of successful ocriplasmin treatment in eyes with VMT syndrome: a multivariable prediction model from the EXPORT study. Br J Ophthalmol 2018; 102: 1092-1097 [IF 3.806]
Szurman P, Roters S, Grisanti S, Aisenbrey S, Schraermeyer U, Lüke M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Thumann G. Ultrastructural changes following artificial retinal detachment with modified retinal adhesion. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006; 47: 4983-4989 [IF 3.766] Szurman P, Roters S, Grisanti S, Aisenbrey S, Schraermeyer U, Lüke M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Thumann G. Ultrastructural changes following artificial retinal detachment with modified retinal adhesion. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006; 47: 4983-4989 [IF 3.766]
P. Szurman, K. Boden, K. Januschowski. Suprachoroidal hydrogel buckle as surgical treatment of retinal detachments – biocompatibility and first experiences. Retina 2016; 36: 1786-1790 [IF 3.700]
Al-Nawaiseh S, Rickmann A, Seuthe AM, Al-Rimawi D, Stanzel BV, Szurman P. A revised predictive biomarker for ocriplasmin therapy in vitreomacular traction disorders. Retina 2021; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34173361 [IF 3.649]
Januschowski K, Boden KT, Macek AM, Szurman P, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Hoogmartens C, Rickmann A. A modified sutureless intrascleral fixation technique for secondary intraocular lens implantation - a pilot study. Retina 2021; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34050099 [IF 3.649]
Grisanti S, Szurman P, Warga M, Kaczmarek R, Ziemssen F, Tatar O, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Decorin modulates wound healing in experimental glaucoma filtration surgery: a pilot study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2005; 46: 191-196 [IF 3.643] Rizzo S, Barale PO, Ayello-Scheer S, Devenyi RG, Delyfer MN, Korobelnik JF, Rachitskaya A, Yuan A, Jayasundera KT, Zacks DN, Handa JT, Montezuma SR, Koozekanani D, Stanga PE, da Cruz L, Walter P, Augustin AJ, Chizzolini M, Olmos de Koo LC, Ho AC, Kirchhof B, Hahn P, Vajzovic L, Iezzi R Jr, Gaucher D, Arevalo JF, Gregori NZ, Grisanti S, Özmert E, Yoon YH, Kokame GT, Lim JI, Szurman P, de Juan E Jr, Rezende FA, Salzmann J, Richard G, Huang SS, Merlini F, Patel U, Cruz C, Greenberg RJ, Justus S, Cinelli L, Humayun MS. ADVERSE EVENTS OF THE ARGUS II RETINAL PROSTHESIS: Incidence, Causes, and Best Practices for Managing and Preventing Conjunctival Erosion. Retina 2020; 40: 303-311 [IF 3.649] Röhrig S, Farecki ML, Boden KT, Haus A, Gutfleisch M, Jung S, Lommatzsch A, Szurman P, Januschowski K. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF VITAL DYES AFTER UNEVENTFUL VITREOMACULAR SURGERY. Retina 2019; 39: 1772-1778 [IF 3.649]
Schramm C, Spitzer MS, Henke-Fahle S, Steinmetz G, Januschowski K, Heiduschka P, Geis-Gerstorfer J, Biedermann T, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. The cross-linked biopolymer hyaluronic acid as an artificial vitreous substitute. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2012; 53: 613-621 [IF 3.528]
Wilke R, Gabel VP, Sachs H, Bartz Schmidt KU, Gekeler F, Besch D, Szurman P, Stett A, Wilhelm B, Peters T, Harscher A, Greppmaier U, Kibbel S, Benav H, Bruckmann A, Stingl K, Kusnyerik A, Zrenner E. Spatial Resolution and Perception of Patterns Mediated by a Subretinal16-Electrode Array in Patients Blinded by Hereditary Retinal Dystrophies. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011; 52: 5995-6003 [IF 3.582]
Spitzer MS, Kaczmarek RT, Yoeruek E, Petermeier K, Wong D, Heimann H, Jaissle GB, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. The distribution, release kinetics and biocompatibility of triamcinolone injected and dispersed in silicone oil. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2009; 50: 2337-2343 [IF 3.582]
Grisanti S, Szurman P, Gelisken F, Aisenbrey S, Oficjalska-Mlynczak J, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Histological findings in experimental macular surgery with indocyanine green. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2004; 45: 282-286 [IF 3.577]
Heiduschka P, Fietz H, Hofmeister S, Schultheiss S, Mack AF, Peters S, Ziemssen F, Niggemann B, Julien S, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Schraermeyer U; Tübingen Bevacizumab Study Group. Penetration of bevacizumab through the retina after intravitreal injection in the monkey. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2007; 48: 2814-2823 [IF 3.577]
Yoeruek E, Spitzer MS, Tatar O, Biedermann T, Grisanti S, Lüke M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. Toxic effects of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator on human corneal endothelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2008; 49: 1392-1397 [IF 3.528] Spitzer MS, Kaczmarek RT, Yoeruek E, Petermeier K, Wong D, Heimann H, Jaissle GB, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. The distribution, release kinetics and biocompatibility of triamcinolone injected and dispersed in silicone oil. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2009; 50: 2337-2343 [IF 3.528]
Schramm C, Spitzer MS, Henke-Fahle S, Steinmetz G, Januschowski K, Heiduschka P, Geis-Gerstorfer J, Biedermann T, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. The cross-linked biopolymer hyaluronic acid as an artificial vitreous substitute. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2012; 53: 613-621 [IF 3.528]
Yoeruek E, Spitzer MS, Tatar O, Biedermann T, Lüke M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. Toxic effects of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator on human corneal endothelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2008; 49: 1392-1397 [IF 3.528]
Spitzer MS, Mlynczak T, Schultheiss M, Rinker K, Yoeruek E, Petermeier K, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Preservative-free triamcinolone acetonide injectable suspension versus "traditional" triamcinolone preparations: impact of aggregate size on retinal biocompatibility. Retina 2011; 31: 2050-2057 [IF 3.478] Peters S, Tatar O, Spitzer MS, Szurman P, Aisenbrey S, Lüke M, Adam A, Yoeruek E, Grisanti S. Analysis of the neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5 in internal limiting membranes after indocyanine-green assisted peeling. Retina 2009; 29: 243-247 [IF 3.478]
Jaissle GB, Ulmer A, Henke-Fahle S, Fierlbeck G, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. Suppression of melanoma-associated neoangiogenesis by bevacizumab. Arch Dermatol 2008; 144: 525-527 [IF 3.402]
Schatz A, Seuthe AM, Januschowski K. Effect of Ocriplasmin on objectively assessed retinal function after treatment of vitreomacular diseases. Acta Ophthalmol 2019; 97: e700-e705 [IF 3.362]
Erokhina M, Szurman P, Dimopoulos S, Januschowski K, Seuthe AM. Postoperative cystoid macular oedema after non-penetrating glaucoma surgery. Acta Ophthalmol 2021. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33538397 [IF 3.362]
Boden KT, Schlosser R, Reipen L, Seitz B, Januschowski K, Szurman P, Wakili P, Julich-Haertel H, Rickmann A. The impact of limbus detection, arcus lipoides and limbal vessels on the primary patency of clear cornea incisions in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. Acta Ophthalmol 2021; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33502099 [IF 3.362]
Rickmann A, Boden KT, Trouvain AM, Wahl S, Schulz A, Thaler S, Szurman P. Single peripheral triangular mark ensuring correct graft orientation in DMEK. Acta Ophthalmol 2021; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34145763 [IF 3.362] Gunnemann ML, Röhrig S, Gutfleisch M, Lommatzsch A, Szurman P, Boden K, Januschowski K. Frequency of retinal detachment after surgical treatment of full-thickness macular holes with 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy. Acta Ophthalmol 2021; 99: e441-e442 [IF 3.362]
Schulz A, Rickmann A, Julich-Haertel H, Germann A, von Briesen H, Januschowski K, Szurman P. Comparative cytotoxic and antiproliferative profile of methotrexate and fluorouracil on different ocular cells. Acta Ophthalmol 2020; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33381918 [IF 3.362]
Khanani AM, Constantine RN, Blot KH, Lescrauwaet B, Szurman P. Effectiveness of ocriplasmin in real-world settings: A systematic literature review, meta-analysis, and comparison with randomized trials. Acta Ophthalmol 2020; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33369248 [IF 3.362]
Rickmann A, Wahl S, Katsen-Globa A, Schulz A, Pütz N, Szurman P. Cleavage plane after liquid-bubble preparation of Descemet's membrane. Acta Ophthalmol 2020; Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33354909 [IF 3.362]
Ilmarinen T, Thieltges F, Hongisto H, Juuti-Uusitalo K, Koistinen A, Kaarniranta K, Brinken R, Braun N, Holz FG, Skottman H, Stanzel BV. Survival and functionality of xeno-free human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells on polyester substrate after transplantation in rabbits. Acta Ophthalmol 2019; 97: e688-e699 [IF 3.362]
Rickmann A, Boden KE, Wahl S, Jung S, Boden KT, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Significant differences between specular microscopy and corneal bank endothelial cell counts - a pilot study. Acta Ophthalmol. 2019; 97: e1077-e1081 [IF 3.362]
Mariacher S, Ebner M, Hurst J, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Implantation and testing of a novel episcleral pressure transducer: A new approach to telemetric intraocular pressure monitoring. Exp Eye Res. 2017; 166: 84-90 [IF 3.332]
Szurman P, Warga M, Roters S, Grisanti S, Heimann U, Aisenbrey S, Rohrbach JM, Sellhaus B, Ziemssen F, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Experimental implantation and long-term testing of an Intraocular Vision Aid in rabbits. Arch Ophthalmol 2005; 123: 964-969 [IF 3.274]
Tatar O, Shinoda K, Kaiserling E, Pertile G, Eckardt C, Mohr A, Yoeruek E, Szurman P, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Grisanti S. Early effects of triamcinolone acetonide on vascular endothelial growth factor and endostatin in human choroidal neovascularization. Arch Ophthalmol 2008; 126: 193-199 [IF 3.242]
Tatar O, Yoeruek E, Szurman P, Bartz-Schmidt KU; Tübingen Bevacizumab Study Group, Adam A, Shinoda K, Eckardt C, Boeyden V, Claes C, Pertile G, Scharioth GB, Grisanti S. Effect of bevacizumab on inflammation and proliferation in human choroidal neovascularization. Arch Ophthalmol 2008;126: 782-790 [IF 3.242]
Aisenbrey S, Lafaut BA, Szurman P, Hilgers R-D, Esser P, Walter P, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Thumann G. Iris pigment epithelial translocation in the treatment of exudative macular degeneration: A three-year follow-up. Arch Ophthalmol 2006; 124:183-188 [IF 3.206]
Szurman P, Warga M, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Correspondence: Reply to Liu DTL, Chi-Lai L, Lee VYW, Lam DSC. Experimental implantation and long-term testing of an Intraocular Vision Aid in rabbits. Arch Ophthalmol 2006; 124: 610 [IF 3.206]
Szurman P, Warga M, Roters S, Grisanti S, Heimann U, Aisenbrey S, Rohrbach JM, Sellhaus B, Ziemssen F, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Experimental implantation and long-term testing of an Intraocular Vision Aid in rabbits. Arch Ophthalmol 2005; 123: 964-969 [IF 3.274] Rickmann A, Paez LR, Della Volpe Waizel M, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Schulz A, Vandebroek AC, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Functional and structural outcome after vitrectomy combined with subretinal rtPA Injection with or without additional intravitreal Bevacizumab injection for submacular hemorrhages. PLoS One 2021; 16: e0250587 [3.240]
Januschowski K, Schnichels S, Hurst J, Hohenadl C, Reither C, Rickmann A, Pohl L, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Spitzer MS. Ex vivo biophysical characterization of a hydrogel-based artificial vitreous substitute. PLoS One 2019, 14: e0209217 [IF 3.240] Schnichels S, Schneider N, Hohenadl C, Hurst J, Schatz A, Januschowski K, Spitzer MS. Efficacy of two different thiol-modified crosslinked hyaluronate formulations as vitreous replacement compared to silicone oil in a model ofretinal detachment. PLoS One 2017; 12: e0172895 [IF 3.240]
Rickmann A, Paez LR, Della Volpe Waizel M, Bisorca-Gassendorf L, Schulz A, Vandebroek AC, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Functional and structural outcome after vitrectomy combined with subretinal rtPA Injection with or without additional intravitreal Bevacizumab injection for submacular hemorrhages. PLoS One 2021; 16: e0250587 [IF 3.240]
Spitzer MS, Nessmann A, Wagner J, Yoeruek E, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Szurman GB. Customized humanoptics silicone iris prosthesis in eyes with posttraumatic iris loss: outcomes and complications. Acta Ophthalmol. 2016; 94: 301-306 [IF 3.157]
Seuthe AM, Januschowski K, Mariacher S, Ebner M, Opitz N, Szurman P, Boden K. The effect of canaloplasty with suprachoroidal drainage combined with cataract surgery - 1-year results. Acta Ophthalmol 2018; 96: e74-e78 [IF 3.157] Heider A, Dimopoulos S, Szurman P, Januschowski K. Real-life experience with intravitreal ocriplasmin on vitreomacular traction and full-thickness macular holes. Acta Ophthalmol 2018; 96: e890-891 [IF 3.153]
Szurman P, Roters S, Grisanti S, Aisenbrey S, Rohrbach JM, Warga M, Gelisken F, Spitzer MS, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Primary silicone oil endotamponade in the management of severe intraocular foreign body injuries: an eight-year follow-up. Retina 2007; 27: 304-311 [IF 3.088]
Szurman P, Roters S, Grisanti S, Aisenbrey S, Rohrbach JM, Warga M, Gelisken F, Spitzer MS, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Primary silicone oil endotamponade in the management of severe intraocular foreign body injuries: an eight-year follow-up. Retina 2007; 27: 304-311 [IF 3.088] Yoeruek E, Jaegle H, Lüke M, Grisanti S, Warga M, Krott R, Spitzer MS, Tatar O, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. Safety profile of a taurine containing irrigation solution (AcriPurRet®) in pars plana vitrectomy. Retina 2007; 27: 1286-1291 [IF 3.088]
Tatar O, Adam A, Shinoda K, Yoeruek E, Szurman P, Bopp S, Eckardt C, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Grisanti S. Influence of Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy on Inflammation in Human Choroidal Neovascular Membranes secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Retina 2007; 27: 713-723 [IF 3.088]
Veckeneer M, Mohr A, Alharthi E, Azad R, Bashshur ZF, Bertelli E, Bejjani RA, Bouassida B, Bourla D, Crespo IC, Fahed C, Fayyad F, Mura M, Nawrocki J, Rivett K, Scharioth GB, Shkvorchenko DO, Szurman P, Van Wijck H, Wong IY, Wong DS, Frank J, Oellerich S, Bruinsma M, Melles GR. Novel 'heavy' dyes for retinal membrane staining during macular surgery: multicenter clinical assessment. Acta Ophthalmol 2014; 92: 339-344 [IF 3.032]
Januschowski K, Dimopoulos S, Szurman P, Feltgen N, Spitzer B, Pielen A, Rehak M, Spital G; Bevacizumab Study Group Venous Occlusion, Meyer CH, Szurman GB. Injection scheme for intravitreal bevacizumab therapy for macular oedema due to central retinal vein occlusion: results of a multicenter study. Acta Ophthalmol 2015: 93: 400-402 [IF 3.032]
Kitiratschky V, Deuter C, Beck R, Schulte B, Müller H, Blumenstock G, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. Relationship between suspected reasons of intraocular inflammation and the results of diagnostic vitrectomy: an observational study. Br J Ophthalmol 2015; 23: 59-66 [IF 3.036]
Januschowski K, Leers S, Haus A, Szurman P, Seuthe AM, Boden KT. Is trabeculectomy really superior to canaloplasty? Acta Ophthalmol 2016; 94:666-667 [IF 3.032]
Süsskind D, Neuhann I, Hilgers RD, Hagemann U, Szurman P, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Aisenbrey S. Primary vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in pseudophakic eyes: 20-gauge versus 25-gauge vitrectomy. Acta Ophthalmol. 2016; 94: 824-828 [IF 3.032]
Szurman GB, Januschowski K, Szurman P, Feltgen N, Spitzer B, Pielen A, Rehak M, Spital G, Dimopoulos S, Bevacizumab Study Group Venous Occlusion, Meyer CH. Injection scheme for intravitreal bevacizumab therapy for macular oedema due to central retinal vein occlusion: results of a multicentre study. Acta Ophthalmol 2017; 95: 245-246 [IF 3.032]
Januschowski K, Schnichels S, Hagemann U, Koch V, Hofmann J, Spitzer MS, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Lüke M, Aisenbrey S. Electrophysiological toxicity testing of VEGF Trap-Eye in an isolated perfused vertebrate retina organ culture model. Acta Ophthalmol. 2014: 92: 305-311 [IF 3.032]
Mariacher S, Ebner M, Seuthe AM, Januschowski K, Ivanescu C, Opitz N, Szurman P, Boden KT. Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery: First clinical results with special regard to central corneal thickness, endothelial cell count, and aqueous flare levels. J Cataract Refract Surg 2016; 1151-1146. [IF 3.020]