2013 (8 Publikationen)

  • Leitritz MA, Gelisken F, Ziemssen F, Szurman P, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Jaissle GB. Grid laser photocoagulation for macular oedema due to branch retinal vein occlusion in the age of bevacizumab? Results of a prospective study with crossover design. Br J Ophthalmol 2013; 97: 215-219 [2.917]
  • Schnichels S, Hagemann U, Januschowski K, Hofmann J, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Spitzer MS, Aisenbrey S. Comparative toxicity and proliferation testing of aflibercept, bevacizumab and ranibizumab on different ocular cells. Br J Ophthalmol 2013; 97: 917-923 [2.917]
  • Schultheiss M, Januschowski K, Ruschenburg H, Schramm C, Schnichels S, Szurman P, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Spitzer MS. Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium is neuroprotective when compared to standard vitrectomy irrigation solution. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2013; 251: 1613-1619 [2.102]
  • Yoeruek E, Bayyoud T, Hofmann J, Szurman P, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Reply. Cornea 2013; 32: 139 [IF 1.853]
  • Sobolewska B, Hofmann J, Spitzer MS, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Yoeruek E. Antiproliferative and cytotoxic properties of moxifloxacin on rat retinal ganglion cells. Curr Eye Res 2013; 38: 662-669 [IF 1.519]
  • Veckeneer M, Mohr A, Alharthi E, Azad R, Bashshur ZF, Bertelli E, Bejjani RA, Bouassida B, Bourla D, Crespo IC, Fahed C, Fayyad F, Mura M, Nawrocki J, Rivett K, Scharioth GB, Shkvorchenko DO, Szurman P, Van Wijck H, Wong IY, Wong DS, Frank J, Oellerich S, Bruinsma M, Melles GR. Novel 'heavy' dyes for retinal membrane staining during macular surgery: multicenter clinical assessment. Acta Ophthalmol 2014; 92: 339-344 [2.441]
  • Januschowski K, Szurman P, Feltgen N, Spitzer B, Pielen A, Rehak M, Spital G, Meyer CH, Szurman GB. Injection scheme for intravitreal bevacizumab therapy for macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion: results of a multicenter study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2013; 2015; 93:e400-402 Epub ahead of print [2.102]
  • Kitiratschky V, Deuter C, Beck R, Schulte B, Müller H, Blumenstock G, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. Relationship between suspected reasons of intraocular inflammation and the results of diagnostic vitrectomy: an observational study. Br J Ophthalmol 2015; 23: 59-66 Epub ahead of print [IF 2.917]

2014 (8 Publikationen)

  • Szurman P, Gekeler KP. Sekundäre IOL-Implantation. Sklera-Nahtfixierte Intraokularlinsen. Ophthalmologe 2014; 111: 217-223 [IF 0.635]
  • Mester U, Vaterrodt T, Goes F, Huetz W, Neuhann I, Schmickler S, Szurman P, Gekeler K. Impact of personality characteristics on patient satisfaction after implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses – results from the “Happy Patient Study”. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2014; 111: 1178-1182 [IF 2.102]
  • Bertelmann T, Bertelmann I, Szurman P, Mester U, Schmidt J, Sekundo W, Mennel S. [Vitreous body and retinal vein occlusion]. Ophthalmologe. 2014; 111: 1178-1182 [IF 0.635]
  • Januschowski K, Mueller S, Dollinger R, Schnichels S, Hofmann J, Spitzer MS, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P. Thaler S. Investigating retinal toxicity of tempol in a model of isolated and perfused bovine retina. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2014; 252: 935-941 [IF 2.102]
  • Schultheiss M, Schnichels S, Mlynczak T, Dipl-Ing JH, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Spitzer MS. Cyclosporine a protects RGC-5 cells from excitotoxic cell death. J Glaucoma. 2014; 23: 219-224 [IF 2.102]
  • Szurman P, Gekeler K. [Secondary intraocular lens implantation using scleral suture fixation]. Ophthalmologe 2014; 111: 217-223 [IF 0.635]
  • Ziemssen F, Eter N, Fauser S, Bopp S, Radermacher M, Hasanbasic Z, Holz FG; AURA-Studiengruppe. Retrospective investigation of anti-VEGF treatment reality and effectiveness in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in Germany: treatment reality of ranibizumab for neovascular AMD in Germany. Ophthalmologe. 2015; 112: 246-254 [IF 0.635]
  • Januschowski K, Schnichels S, Hagemann U, Koch V, Hofmann J, Spitzer MS, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Lüke M, Aisenbrey S. Electrophysiological toxicity testing of VEGF Trap-Eye in an isolated perfused vertebrate retina organ culture model. Acta Ophthalmol. 2014: 92: 305-311 [IF 3.032]

2015 (9 Publikationen)

  • Mariacher S, Szurman P. [Artificial vitreous body: Strategies for vitreous body substitutes]. Ophthalmologe. 2015; 112: 572-579 [IF 0,635]
  • Szurman P. Mysterium Glaskörper : Aufbau, Alterung und Ersatzstrategien. Ophthalmologe 2015; 112: 548 [IF 0,635]
  • Kazerounian S, Szurman P, Waizel M. [Upper eyelid swelling]. Ophthalmologe 2015; 112: 691-693 [IF 0,635]
  • Bonzheim I, Giese S, Deuter C, Süsskind D, Zierhut M, Waizel M, Szurman P, Federmann B, Schmidt J, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Coupland SE, Bartz-Schmidt KU. Fend F. High frequency of MYD88 mutations in vitreoretinal B-cell lymphoma: a valuable tool to improve diagnostic yield of vitreous aspirates. Blood 2015; 126: 76-79 [IF 10,452]
  • Januschowski K, Müller S, Krupp C, Spitzer MS, Hurst J, Schultheiss M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Szurman P, Schnichels S. Glutamate and hypoxia as a stress model for the isolated perfused vertebrate retina. J Vis Exp. 2015: 22 [IF 1.325]
  • Alnahrawy O, Blumenstock G, Ziemssen F, Szurman P, Leitritz MA, Dimopoulos S, Voykov B. Exit strategies in canaloplasty: intraoperative conversion into 180-degree trabeculotomy or 360-degree trabeculotomy in cases of unsuccessful catheterisation of Schlemm's canal: influence of degree of canal cleavage. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2015; 253: 779-784 [IF 2.103]
  • Voykov B, Szurman P, Dimopoulos S, Ziemssen F, Alnahrawy O. Micro-invasive suture trabeculotomy after canaloplasty: preliminary results. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2015; 43: 409-414 [IF 2.103]
  • Januschowski K, Dimopoulos S, Szurman P, Feltgen N, Spitzer B, Pielen A, Rehak M, Spital G; Bevacizumab Study Group Venous Occlusion, Meyer CH, Szurman GB. Injection scheme for intravitreal bevacizumab therapy for macular oedema due to central retinal vein occlusion: results of a multicenter study. Acta Ophthalmol 2015: 93: 400-402 [IF 3.032]
  • Kitiratschky VB, Deuter C, Beck R, Schulte B, Müller H, Blumenstock G, Szurman P. Relationship between suspected reasons of intraocular inflammation and the results of diagnostic vitrectomy: an observational study. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2015; 23: 59-66 [IF 1.972]


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